Personal training is what we do, and probably why you are interested in our unique company.
We appreciate that immensely, and we truly believe that we will provide personal training like you've never experienced...which is why you will achieve results like you've never experienced.
The human body burns energy differently through differing physiological functions, these functions are induced by various activities.
Different activities, different functions, different results.
Plyometrics class/group training is designed to burn energy at optimal efficiency for the entire duration.
Get more done, more efficiently, in less time.
This is the next advancement, beyond the latest fad of high intensity interval training (HIIT) you see everywhere else, and is therefore more effective and typically vastly more enjoyable for the participant.
This isn't just the next gimmick in fitness; it is how top level athletes train, and have trained, for a reason.
They don't have time to play around a 'pretend' to get results.
Neither do you.
Simply contact us through this site (button below) or via text (bottom of page), mention this website, and we will update you regarding where, when, and cost for the next session with spots available!
Start here. This is where you will find the vaccine and antidote for all the pseudo-fitness misinfotmation floating around out there.
Some people don't like to show off their progress for the world, some do.
These are some of the athletes that are willing to share, for the sake of proving the process and motivating others to start their own journey with Trinity!
Hitting a ridiculous deadlift personal record, or entering into the .2 percentile of athletes in your class?
We have some of our own athlete's moments documented.
Sick of watching people showing off pointless ineffective movements or terrible form on Instagram?
This is where you find the movements worth doing, and how to do them.
All videos are made to be extremely short, informative and easily accessible for use while between sets or prior to workout.
Takes less time than sending a text, the gym bro's wont even notice :)
Bookmark this!
Unsure of where to get proper lifting shoes, supplements, wraps, grips, support belts, lifting equipment or anything else fitness??
Stop using google and getting lost after your 5th attempt at finding what you *actually* need.
A great hamstring movement for moving good weight, activating the muscle from both origin and insertion.
If you are ready but have questions, we are here to help!
This could be your first big step on your journey to the best you...
552 Lilac Street, Lino Lakes, Minnesota 55014, United States
Short texts are appreciated: 651.432.0222
Copyright © Trinity Training - All Rights Rreserved
Copyright © Trinity Training - All Rights
Not quite ready for 1-on-1 training (which is specialized specifically to your exact current ability and dream outcome)?
Want to get good progress while introducing your physiology to how it should be operating, get acquainted with the gym, and feel more comfortable in a small group setting?
Contact us regarding our small group training times!